Saturday, April 11, 2009

Feed the Hungry

Observation really is the key to understanding. Looking for the details and realizing their importance.

The Captain of a seized United States of America merchant vessel is being held prisoner by "pirates". This is major news and the story reporters seem to care most about is getting a shot of him trying to escape or sound bytes from the crew he save by his sacrifice.

This man's imprisonment is very important. Of course my prayers are with him and those who wait for his safe return.

But one detail that caught my attention, and which seems to be virtually unreported is that his ship was on a mission of mercy. They were carrying food to the hungry in Somalia. These pirates are starving out their own people by their actions! The governments involved are largely uncivilized, corrupt and I'm sorry they are sick. These same African governments allow the torture and abuse of women and children, child slavery, slavery, and they allow their people to starve. This is not a money issue it is a political one. We could wallpaper our home with donations receipts to organizations to feed the hungry but if we cannot get the food to them...then what? I ask then what?

It doesn't matter how we try to get the aid to them. Gang and tribal leaders (also known as thugs, murderers, and evil criminals) steal, bribe, and kill for the goods. This is the same thing that occured in Iraq under Hussein.

Do you think these poor souls know how much money is sent for them? No. They don't exactly have cable. They are so desperate they have to depend on the generosity of the gangs to provide them the smallest of sustenance. Which is only provided when they "allow" aid through.

The United Nations does NOTHING. The representatives of these countries are treated like royalty. They come to our country and find safe haven and immunity, and they ask for more handouts to save their people.

The UN is doing nothing to save our American citizen who is captured. Diplomacy at work means nothing is happening.

The reason we have not taken back our man is really simple, politics. These ragged, pathetic, pirates should feel the weight of a naval boot on their throat when our man is returned. But then that would probably violate the UN mandates on how to handle thieves, murderers, and vermin like these. The UN will send them to a cozy trial where they will not be punished for this offense and before the ice in my tea melts these sea rats will be at it again.

I want to feed the hungry, we do the sponsor a child thing and have for years but if the money can't get in. If it is being used to fund the pirating of American Enterprise and International aid, then I can't do so in good conscience. This is insane.

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