Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blowing Smoke

Life has been so busy and the news so bleak that I have scarcely had the desire to write about politics.

I was chatting with friends a few weeks ago and we discussed "cap and trade". Please take a moment and google it. Cap and trade is not a horrible goal. The tragedy of this plan is all in the timing. This is not the time to further increase the burdens on our system, industry and the economy.

Not to mention ALL emissions reduction programs are ridiculous if India and China aren't going to be making changes. These are the world's greatest polluters not us. For all the Dems love of people world citizens they certainly are quick to blame us for the world's problems. They can't even make up their minds. Should we lead the world in being green or follow Europe in socialized health care? lead, follow, lead, follow

It's actually fairly easy to spot the socialism in 'em when they do this - pick and choose.

They are all for green energy unless someone wants to build a wind farm in the Hamptons. John Kerry pitched a hissy fit as did the Kennedy's when they realized the plans for it off the coast would obscure the view from the Kennedy Compound. Don't preach to me about driving hybrids and replacing my light bulbs when you live on a COMPOUND.

As usual the middle class (or what's left of us) will be saving the planet while the fat hypocrites talk down to us. I am not someone who subscribes to class warfare. Not even a little bit. But I abhore rich liberal hypocrisy. I think we could eliminate green "gas" emissions if we plug up the pie holes of a few of my favorite Democrats ever time they say the word green.


  1. I have to admit I have not blogged any of the happy family stuff I have wanted to because I just can't get near this thing (my computer) without remembering how sad our country and world have become. I am very happy to see you post these 2 new posts; not because they are uplifting in a traditional sense but because they remind me my family is not alone in our dismay. Your frustration brings me comfort because it matches my own. :-) Thanks for sharing your heart.

  2. You are back!!!! I have missed your political input for weeks. You always give me something to think about. Thanks for writing again. PLEASE keep it up. Between you and Glenn, I stay on my toes. :-) I also think you should be a fill in for one of the 97.1 guys when they go on vacation. You'd be awesome!


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