going once, going twice sold to President Obama $320,000.
The Obamination is the proud owner of a $300,000+ photo of Air Force One flying over the Statue of Liberty. This was at a low altitude. People panicked, ran for their lives.
After a week of pressure the White House released ONE photo Friday night after the press corps had left for the weekend. Are we to believe they snapped one photo....one? It was shot from an F-16 and we are supposed to believe they took one photo, clicked the shutter....once. Please, they did all this, spent all this cash, which let's not forget we are in a recession/depression for this!? This Harvard geniuses have never heard of Photoshop? They act like AF One is a new toy, they let their friends take it out for spin?
The bug up my butt is the utter lack of transparency. They dodged this for a week, they didn't come clean, hoped it would go away, and then they release after hours on a weekend, hoping it will be buried and not brought back up next week. Transparent or thin?
So the American People are proud owners of a pic that cost 1/3 of a million dollars. Oh well te way this chump is handing out dough you would think he is spending Monopoly money not money we have worked to earn.
Not to worry, some poor loser fell on his sword, took the wrap, and resigned. He'll be in a cushy job somewhere with a financial contributor before the week ends. poor guy. Not that anyone will report it, because they are entirely too busy asking the hard questions like, "Mr. President, what enchants you the most about the Presidency?" yes and actual question.
I don't think I will last to the end of this joke. When is the primary?
I couldn't have put it any better! What next?