Friday, May 8, 2009

Fairness Doctrine

Liberals were practically hysterical over the Patriot Act. If I heard Sean (Chavez is my BFF) Penn say once I heard him and his artsy fartsy friends say a thousand times that there was nothing Patriotic about the Patriot Act.
Look here hippies, there is nothing FAIR about the Fairness Act/Doctrine/Legislation. What is it? Well my intention with this blog was never to educate, but to tell you what I think about the things I think, you should be thinking about it but just in case you are too busy to listen to Rush, watch Glenn Beck, or tune into C-Span (true reality tv & good actors!) then let me butcher a summary for you...

Essentially this is liberals back door effort to shutdown conservative talk radio. They believe conservatives dominate talk radio and cable news (we do) and they don't like what we have to say. They think that this opinionated kind of talk should be fair and balanced so if there is 6 hrs of conservative talk then there have to be 6 hrs of liberal talk or buh-bye. They tried to start liberal talk radio but it fell horribly flat. CNN is hammered in ratings by Fox, MSNBC has given up any guise of being news and is pure hack work now.
It is not enough they have the Presidency, the Congress, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, all major newspapers, all major magazines, celebrity, Oprah, and a new puppy. They have to shut down any voices that disagree.

Where is the ACLU? All the players on the left are on board - from the Obamination to Pelosi, the Botox Bride of Al Franken right down to America's cheerleader Katie (I stole Suze Orman's haircut) Couric.

Where does the ACLU get it's $$$ ? It's not really about liberty it's about agenda.
I wish I was one of those people who could say contact your congressman but I can't. Here in the dismal Land of Lincoln, home of Blagojevich and Obama, and Chicago Community Terrorist er, I mean activists so it wouldn't matter much. But if you have someone who cares, or who isn't corrupt, call 'em.
Is it just me or when you see Blagojevich do you hear..."what would you do if I sang out of tune..."
Anywho if you don't know about the Fairness Doctrine that tramples on Freedom of Speech go find out about it.

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